Ever heard something from God and you either find it funny or reluctantly obey? I think that was the case with Simon Peter in the story I shared in this episode.
Jesus has a really great sense of humor, you know. He encounters people in really random ways, on random days. Jesus takes a simple scenario and makes a grand miracle out of it. Just like that!
When you wake up each day, you need to expect a miracle. God has loads of them in store. Even if you don’t see it coming, trust God again. If you have tried everything you know how to do, it’s a great time to allow God to speak a word to you. That can definitely change everything.
Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” Luke 5:5
I love the story shared in this episode. Listen and tell me the lessons you learned from the story. I really look forward to it!
Warm Hugs 🤗,
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